Well if my future me see this post, "I do it because of cross environment, playbook, win 7.5, vala, mono, xna, cocos2dxna, and Pou.. i bet you will understand and remember.. hehe, and yes, i know, it is very silly.. but Y.O.L.O!"
So let's go with it shall we..
After trying to compile using BB NDK SDK version 2.1 i encountered problem with the assembler compilation. If i can recall the error correctly, the message was "invalid operation $03" or something similar like that..
After 2 nights of blackened eyes, i give up and then tried to compile on a virtual machine, for that machine i choose LINUX Mint 15 for the OS, chosen simply because the OS iso file lying around on my hard-disk. For the virtualization, i'm using vmware
I was thinking about using linux because i could simply use ./configure and then make, but i think to myself it would be better if i could directly compile this for the arm architecture, after diving to google, there is a very exciting project callled Scratchbox2, and then here i am using the command
$ sudo apt-get install scratchbox2
$ sudo apt-get install qemu
Then i tried to find linux arm compiler toolchain, for this purpose i search for the file arm2009q1-203-none-linux-gnueabi simply because that is the compiler i used in Windows when venturing with WebOS.. (love that platform.. hixs..)
here is the name of the file i downloaded from codesourcery: arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin
What?? you need the web address you say? here it is: http://sourcery.mentor.com/public/gnu_toolchain/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/
Let's go to the terminal and then type the following..
$ chmod +x arm2009*
$ ./arm2009*
Follow those installation screen with care, i choose to install on default directory.. and that is at $HOME/CodeSourcery
Therefore here is the command i use to initialize sb2
$ sb2-init -d arm $HOME/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
when not using this arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi.bin release, for example using built in arm-linux-gnuebi-gcc (from the apt), i failed to run sb2-build-libtool, a workaround would be adding parameter -C "-static" to sb2-init but i guess this would break some build system.. note to self: Need to find-out building custom rootfs! (finger crossed, perhaps copying the libc content? hehe..)
important! you need to init sb2 in $HOME/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc because that is the rootfs for that toolchain
let's try with a simple hello world program shall we..
$ sb2
$ gcc hello.cpp -o hello
$ file hello --> this should show that we have compiled for the arm-architecture! ;)
$ ./hello --> will run!
$ exit ->> this will exit us from the "jail" arm-environment we had setup earlier
Ok, now is the fun part, let's go to the extracted tarball mono source folder, cross your fingers :p and then type
$ sb2
$ ./configure --with-monotouch=no --without-mcs-docs --disable-mono-debugger CFLAGS="-DBROKEN_64BIT_ATOMICS_INTRINSIC -DARM_FPU_NONE" LIBS=-lpthread --disable-mcs-build
The configuration is a success!
But, the potential horror might now came along.. anyway.. let's proceed!
before make! i add the patch to the mono/mini/mini.arm.h
change that to
on the same terminal, lets go make some!
$ make
$ make install DESTDIR=$HOME/mymono
there you have it! a compiled mono for arm architecture!
Some hints:
for the mono's ./configure script, to show the options accepted by the configure run
$ ./configure --help
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