
Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Aku bersyukur

Doa bukan kata-kata yang indah, tapi doa datang dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam
yap, aku manusia yang penuh dosa, dosa-ku yang membuat Mu sulit untuk mendekatiku
namun aku tahu ya Bapa, engkau selalu ada disana dan melihat keluargaku

Namun Roh Kudus yang sungguh mulia, selalu bisa menembus bata yang kubangun sendiri
Dia menuntunku untuk masuk hadirat Mu, Bapa.

Aku bersyukur.

Ayah yang selalu melindungiku
Ibu yang selalu mengasihiku
Kakak yang selalu ada untukku

dan berkat yang ter-indah yang Engkau berikan untuk hidupku :

Pandewi, istri yang selalu setia, mendoakan suaminya, menjaga anaknya, tidak pernah merasa lelah dalam apapun untuk keluarganya
Nadiva, anak yang cantik, penuh kasih, lembut, pintar dan selalu dikelilingi oleh penjaga-penjaga Mu yang mulia


Aku sungguh bersyukur..
Tidak ada lagi yang bisa aku minta daripada Mu, aku hanya ingin mengucapkan ini ya Bapa.

Aku sungguh, sungguh bersyukur..

Engkau selalu baik.

Tuhan Yesus.

maafkan kelancanganku ya Bapa, aku ingin menghancurkan hati yang keras.


My Child Hood Home
Boko 2

27 Juni 2011

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Delphi : Tips on Retrieving/Storing Pointer/Objects/Clasess to/from a variant

Hello there! this really is a lovely day isn't it? :)
I come accross another great tips for you using variants object types and also how to use them with pointers and objects
for a little note, objects are classes, and objects and classes ARE pointers
  1. Storing pointers objects / classes / pointers to a variant
    1. cast the objects / classes / pointers to a native int : NativeInt(aPointer);
    2. store the NativeInt to the variant variable
  2. Retrieve stored pointers / objects / classes from a variant
    1. preapare a NativeInt variabele, and assign the variant containing objects / classes / pointers to the NativeInt variable
    2. cast the NativeInt variable to the pointer type, classes that you need TObject(the_NativeInt_variable).className;
Voila! another neat trick which will do the rest :) God bless you everyone!

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Web Application using Pascal Language??

Yes!! This is indeed possible
ever wanted to create web apps using our favorit language (Pascal)??
you could do it using WebSnap, building web apps in a snap! hehe

here is a step by step guide for you to run and build a simple hello world application using CodeGear 2007 + websnap.
  1. Using wizzard, create a websnap application : file >> New >> Other >> Websnap Application
  2. Select  Web app debugger executable
  3. Enter your Class name and Page name
  4. Hit that OK Button
  5. Important, websnap use Indy9 instead of Indy10 so you should point your project search path to Indy9 Lib, on my computer it is in C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\lib\Indy9
  6. Now click on Run
  7. After the project compiles and runs, go to the IDE, Tools >> Web App Debugger
  8. On the Web App Debugger form, click on the Start button, now click on the default address http://localhost:8081/ServerInfo.ServerInfo
  9. Important, if you are on Window 7, or if you encounter an 404 Page you need to allow all of the firewalls permissions, go to the CodeGear installation directory(on my computer it is in C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\bin) and then run serverinfo.exe, try again that http://localhost:8081/ServerInfo.ServerInfo
  10. Congratulations!! this is your first WebSnap applications (Web app built on pascal language). Now.. go wild! :)
Have a great day everyone! This should revolutionize RAD WEB APP

Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

I Love it!! just love it!

Ahaha, yesss, right now is maybe the worst position i've ever had..

  1. Sisa uang tinggal 4.1jt, mudah-mudahan tahan buat 2~3 bulan
  2. Belum punya pekerjaan (ada tawaran dari pak. Priyatna, yippeee!! thank you Lord)
  3. Game Pipe The Mob belum selesai-selesai, susah di bagian assetsnya.. ternyata mengembangkan asset sungguh butuh banyak modal.. but i will not go down
  4. Swamped with projects!..Jo, Hen, Personal (can i pull them off together??)
  5. Musti kudu wajib selesaikan akte lahir diva, no matter wot!!
Hmmh, but truly said, by looking at those lists, i'm doin just great! i'm not in trouble at all ;)

listening to the song..
MySpace, Forever and ever, ameen ~ Randy Travis

I will not fail my family